OpenAI’s CEO Reveals No IPO Plans due to Unique Structure and AI Concerns


In a recent conference held in Abu Dhabi, Chief Executive of OpenAI, Sam Altman, made it clear that the company has no intention of going public anytime soon. Altman expressed concerns about the potential scrutiny and legal complications that could arise from taking OpenAI public. The company, which is backed by Microsoft, has a unique structure that includes a cap on profits. This article will delve into the reasons behind OpenAI’s decision, the controversy surrounding the company in Europe, the future of AI technology, and the potential impact on jobs.

Sam Altman

OpenAI’s Unique Structure

OpenAI initially started as a non-profit organization, but it later evolved into a hybrid “capped-profit” company. This structure allows OpenAI to raise external funds while ensuring that the original non-profit operation still benefits. Altman described the company’s structure as “very strange” due to the cap on profits. This cap is likely one of the factors that deter OpenAI from pursuing an initial public offering (IPO). Altman expressed concerns about the potential consequences and legal implications that may arise from the decisions the company makes as it develops superintelligence.

The Threat of AI and the Need for Regulation

Altman, along with many prominent scientists involved in the development and marketing of AI technology, has repeatedly warned about the potential risks and threats posed by content-creating generative AI, such as ChatGPT. Some experts even equate the impact of such technology to extinction-level risks. These concerns have led to a call for regulation in the field of AI. Altman believes that as OpenAI continues to advance its AI capabilities, decisions made by superintelligence may not align with the expectations and interests of investors in the public market.

Altman’s Whirlwind Tour and EU Controversy

Sam Altman has been on a whirlwind tour, meeting with heads of state from various countries. During his visit to Europe, Altman made comments that stirred controversy. He stated that OpenAI may consider leaving the region if complying with the planned laws on AI becomes too challenging. These remarks received criticism from several lawmakers, including EU industry chief Thierry Breton. However, Altman later clarified that OpenAI did not threaten to leave the EU and expressed excitement about operating in Europe. The EU is currently working on a set of laws to govern AI, including proposals that would require companies using tools like ChatGPT to disclose copyrighted material used for training their systems. OpenAI, however, does not disclose such data for its latest AI model, GPT 4.

The Growth of AI and Future Opportunities

Altman emphasized the rapid growth and evolution of AI technology. He predicted that in a few years, GPT 4 would appear as a relatively unimpressive toy compared to the advancements that would be made. He envisioned a future where AI encompasses images, audio, video, text, and computer programming, all integrated into a cohesive system. While concerns have been raised about the potential job displacement caused by AI in various sectors, Altman believes that the jobs of the future will be significantly different from those of today. He acknowledges that there will be challenges but also sees opportunities for new types of jobs to emerge.


Q: Why does OpenAI have a unique company structure?

OpenAI has a unique structure that includes a cap on profits. This structure allows the company to raise external funds while still benefiting the original non-profit operation. The cap on profits and the company’s focus on developing superintelligence are some of the reasons why OpenAI has no plans for an IPO.

Q: What are the concerns surrounding content-creating generative AI?

Content-creating generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has raised.

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